Package igeo.gui

GUI package of iGeo library including UI classes and graphic classes for drawing.


Interface Summary
GL2 Fake GL2 interface for compiling old GL code
IGraphics Class of Graphics like java.awt.Graphics to wrap all possible graphic mode (Currently Java AWT and OpenGL).
IGraphics2D Class of Graphics to draw 2D (Java2D)
IGraphics3D Class of Graphics to draw 3D geometry (OpenGL or P3D)
IGraphicsGL Interface of Graphics to draw 3D geometry with OpenGL
IPane A pane object to provide one rectangular area to draw objects.
IPanelI Interface of a root GUI object of iGeo managing all IPane instance.

Class Summary
IBrepGraphicGL Graphic subobject class to draw a surface object by OpenGL.
IComponent Base class of custom GUI components.
ICurveGraphicGL Graphic subobject class to draw a curve object by OpenGL
IDoubleBuffer AWT component with double buffering
IGLElement Base class of OpenGL graphic vertex data collection
IGLLineLoop Objectified OpenGL line loop drawing process.
IGLLineStrip Objectified OpenGL line strip drawing process.
IGLPolygon Objectified OpenGL polygon drawing process.
IGLQuadMatrix Objectified OpenGL drawing process of matrix of quad geometries by quad strips.
IGLQuadStrip Objectified OpenGL quad strip drawing process.
IGLTriangles Objectified OpenGL triangle drawing process.
IGraphicMode Class to specify graphic mode of either OpenGL mode / Java mode and wireframe / fill / transparent fill / wireframe+fill / wireframe+transparent fill.
IGraphicsGL1 Class of Graphics like java.awt.Graphics to wrap all possible graphic mode, with OpenGL in older version used in Processing 1.5
IGraphicsGL2 A child class of Processing's PGraphic to draw on Processing version 2.0 using OpenGL.
IGraphicsJ2D Class of Graphics to draw 3D geometry (OpenGL or P3D)
IGridPanel A panel class to contain multiple IPane in grid layout with toggle function to switch showing only one pane and showing all panes.
IImageLoader Class to provide function to load image from external file into Java AWT Image object.
IIsoparmGraphic Class to draw isoparms of a surface.
IKeyEvent Abstracted key event in case no AWT provided
IMeshGraphicGL Graphic subobject class to draw polygon mesh object by OpenGL.
IMouseButton Abstracted mouse button type.
IMouseEvent Abstracted mouse event (x,y and button type).
IMouseWheelEvent Abstracted mouse wheel event
INavigator Class to provide 3D navigation function by mouse and keyboard.
IPanel A root GUI object of iGeo managing all IPane instance.
IPaneLight A pane object to provide one rectangular area to draw objects.
IParameterViewer Viewer window to show parameters and relationship of parameters.
IPointGraphic Graphic subobject class to draw point object
IPolyline Polyline geometry to assist graphic classes of curves and surfaces.
IPolyline2D 2D polyline geometry to assist graphic classes of curves and surfaces.
IScreenTogglePanel A panel class to contain multiple IPane with toggle function to switch showing only one pane and showing all panes.
ISubsurfaceMesh Rectangular cell of a surface with or without trim curve.
ISurfaceGraphicFillGL Graphic subobject class to draw filled faces of a surface object by OpenGL.
ISurfaceGraphicGL Graphic subobject class to draw a surface object by OpenGL.
ISurfaceGraphicWireframeGL Graphic subobject class to draw wireframes of a surface object by OpenGL.
ISurfaceMesh Class to generate drawable polygon mesh of NURBS surface with or without trim curves.
ITextGraphicGL Base class of OpenGL graphic vertex data collection
ITrimCurveGraphic Class to convert trim curves to IPolyline and IPolyline2D.
ITrimLoopGraphic Class to convert loop of trim curves to IPolyline and IPolyline2D.
IVectorGraphic Graphic subobject class to draw a vector with an arrowhead
IView Class to define view by location, direction, axonometric/perspective mode and perspective angle.

Enum Summary

Package igeo.gui Description

GUI package of iGeo library including UI classes and graphic classes for drawing. Subclasses of IGraphicSubobject to draw IObject are in this package.