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Panelization Examples

     Panelization Example10

The following example shows panelization of a deformed input surface and a layering technique of multiple image maps. The input square surface is already deformed by tweaking control points. The panelization follows this deformed internal grid.

The input file used in the example is this.


import processing.opengl.*;
import igeo.*;

size(480, 360, IG.GL);

ISurface[] surfaces = IG.surfaces();

for (ISurface surf : surfaces) {

  int unum = 30, vnum = 30;
  double uinc = 1.0/unum, vinc = 1.0/vnum;
  double gap = 0.25;
  for(int i=0; i < unum; i++){
    for(int j=0; j < vnum; j++){
      IVec pt1 = surf.pt( i*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt2 = surf.pt( (i+1-gap)*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt3 = surf.pt( (i+1-gap)*uinc, (j+1-gap)*vinc );
      IVec pt4 = surf.pt( i*uinc, (j+1-gap)*vinc );
      new ISurface(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4);

In the following code, divided rectangular cell is randomly triangulated. The surface is created by offset of the triangular or rectangular cell and extrusion.

import processing.opengl.*;
import igeo.*;

size(480, 360, IG.GL);

ISurface[] surfaces = IG.surfaces();

for (ISurface surf : surfaces) {

  int unum = 30, vnum = 30;
  double uinc = 1.0/unum, vinc = 1.0/vnum;
  double offsetDist = -0.04;
  int degree = 1; // 1 or 2
  for(int i=0; i < unum; i++){
    for(int j=0; j < vnum; j++){
      IVec pt1 = surf.pt( i*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt2 = surf.pt( (i+1)*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt3 = surf.pt( (i+1)*uinc, (j+1)*vinc );
      IVec pt4 = surf.pt( i*uinc, (j+1)*vinc );

      if(IRandom.percent(30)){ // rectangle
        ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
        ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
        IG.extrude(offCrv, -4).clr(0.2);
      else if(IRandom.percent(30)){ // triangles
        ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt3 }, degree, true);
        ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
        IG.extrude(offCrv, -2).clr(0.2);

        ICurve crv2 = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
        ICurve offCrv2 = IG.offset(crv2, offsetDist);
        IG.extrude(offCrv2, -2).clr(0.2);
      else{ // triangles in other direction
        ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt4 }, degree, true);
        ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
        IG.extrude(offCrv, -1).clr(0.2);

        ICurve crv2 = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt2, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
        ICurve offCrv2 = IG.offset(crv2, offsetDist);
        IG.extrude(offCrv2, -1).clr(0.2);

If you change the variable degree from 1 to 2, it change the profile from polyline to curve and the extruded surface also get curved.

import processing.opengl.*;
import igeo.*;

size(480, 360, IG.GL);

ISurface[] surfaces = IG.surfaces();

for (ISurface surf : surfaces) {

  int unum = 30, vnum = 30;
  double uinc = 1.0/unum, vinc = 1.0/vnum;
  double offsetDist = -0.04;
  int degree = 2; // 1 or 2
  for(int i=0; i < unum; i++){
    for(int j=0; j < vnum; j++){
      IVec pt1 = surf.pt( i*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt2 = surf.pt( (i+1)*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt3 = surf.pt( (i+1)*uinc, (j+1)*vinc );
      IVec pt4 = surf.pt( i*uinc, (j+1)*vinc );
      if(IRandom.percent(30)){ // rectangle
        ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
        ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
        IG.extrude(offCrv, -4).clr(0.2);
      else if(IRandom.percent(30)){ // triangles
        ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt3 }, degree, true);
        ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
        IG.extrude(offCrv, -2).clr(0.2);

        ICurve crv2 = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
        ICurve offCrv2 = IG.offset(crv2, offsetDist);
        IG.extrude(offCrv2, -2).clr(0.2);
      else{ // triangles in other direction
        ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt4 }, degree, true);
        ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
        IG.extrude(offCrv, -1).clr(0.2);

        ICurve crv2 = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt2, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
        ICurve offCrv2 = IG.offset(crv2, offsetDist);
        IG.extrude(offCrv2, -1).clr(0.2);

The following code takes 1 bitmap input. The bitmap defines void area. When the value of bitmap is less than 0.5 (dark), the geometry is created and otherwise not.

The below is "voidmap.jpg"

import processing.opengl.*;
import igeo.*;

size(480, 360, IG.GL);

ISurface[] surfaces = IG.surfaces();

IImageMap map1 = new IImageMap("voidmap.jpg");

for (ISurface surf : surfaces) {

  int unum = 30, vnum = 30;
  double uinc = 1.0/unum, vinc = 1.0/vnum;
  double offsetDist = -0.04;
  int degree = 1; // 1 or 2
  for(int i=0; i < unum; i++){
    for(int j=0; j < vnum; j++){
      IVec pt1 = surf.pt( i*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt2 = surf.pt( (i+1)*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt3 = surf.pt( (i+1)*uinc, (j+1)*vinc );
      IVec pt4 = surf.pt( i*uinc, (j+1)*vinc );

      if(map1.get( (i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc ) < 0.5 ){
          ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv, -3).clr(0.2);
        else if(IRandom.percent(30)){
          ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt3 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv, -2).clr(0.2);

          ICurve crv2 = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv2 = IG.offset(crv2, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv2, -2).clr(0.2);
          ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv, -1).clr(0.2);
          ICurve crv2 = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt2, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv2 = IG.offset(crv2, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv2, -1).clr(0.2);

The following code takes 5 image maps. Each of them defines, void, height, randomization of height, condition to be triangulated or not, and color.

Here are "voidmap.jpg", "heightmap.jpg", "heightRandomizeMap.jpg", "divisionmap.jpg" and "colormap.jpg".

import processing.opengl.*;
import igeo.*;

size(480, 360, IG.GL);

ISurface[] surfaces = IG.surfaces();

IImageMap map1 = new IImageMap("voidmap.jpg");
IImageMap map2 = new IImageMap("heightmap.jpg");
IImageMap map3 = new IImageMap("heightRandomizeMap.jpg");
IImageMap map4 = new IImageMap("divisionmap.jpg");
IImageMap map5 = new IImageMap("colormap.jpg");

for (ISurface surf : surfaces) {

  int unum = 30, vnum = 30;
  double uinc = 1.0/unum, vinc = 1.0/vnum;
  double offsetDist = -0.04;
  int degree = 1; // 1 or 2
  double maxHeight = 2;
  double heightRandomizeRange = 2.5;
  for(int i=0; i < unum; i++){
    for(int j=0; j < vnum; j++){
      IVec pt1 = surf.pt( i*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt2 = surf.pt( (i+1)*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt3 = surf.pt( (i+1)*uinc, (j+1)*vinc );
      IVec pt4 = surf.pt( i*uinc, (j+1)*vinc );

      double division = 

      double height = 

      height += map3.get((i+0.5)*uinc,(j+0.5)*vinc) *

      if(map1.get( (i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc ) < 0.5 ){
        if(division < 0.5){
          ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv, -height).clr(map5.clr((i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc));
        else if(IRandom.percent(50)){
          ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt3 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv, -height).clr(map5.clr((i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc));

          ICurve crv2 = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv2 = IG.offset(crv2, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv2, -height).clr(map5.clr((i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc));
          ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv, -height).clr(map5.clr((i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc));

          ICurve crv2 = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt2, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv2 = IG.offset(crv2, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv2, -height).clr(map5.clr((i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc));

The following is in case the variable degree is changed to 2.

import processing.opengl.*;
import igeo.*;

size(480, 360, IG.GL);

ISurface[] surfaces = IG.surfaces();

IImageMap map1 = new IImageMap("voidmap.jpg");
IImageMap map2 = new IImageMap("heightmap.jpg");
IImageMap map3 = new IImageMap("heightRandomizeMap.jpg");
IImageMap map4 = new IImageMap("divisionmap.jpg");
IImageMap map5 = new IImageMap("colormap.jpg");

for (ISurface surf : surfaces) {
  int unum = 30, vnum = 30;
  double uinc = 1.0/unum, vinc = 1.0/vnum;
  double offsetDist = -0.04;
  int degree = 2; // 1 or 2
  double maxHeight = 2;
  double heightRandomizeRange = 2.5;
  for(int i=0; i < unum; i++){
    for(int j=0; j < vnum; j++){
      IVec pt1 = surf.pt( i*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt2 = surf.pt( (i+1)*uinc, j*vinc );
      IVec pt3 = surf.pt( (i+1)*uinc, (j+1)*vinc );
      IVec pt4 = surf.pt( i*uinc, (j+1)*vinc );

      double division = map4.get((i+0.5)*uinc,(j+0.5)*vinc)*maxHeight;
      double height = map2.get((i+0.5)*uinc,(j+0.5)*vinc)*maxHeight;
      height += map3.get((i+0.5)*uinc,(j+0.5)*vinc) * IRandom.get(0,heightRandomizeRange);

      if(map1.get( (i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc ) < 0.5 ){
        if(division < 0.5){
          ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv, -height).clr(map5.clr((i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc));
        else if(IRandom.percent(50)){
          ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt3 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv, -height).clr(map5.clr((i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc));

          ICurve crv2 = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv2 = IG.offset(crv2, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv2, -height).clr(map5.clr((i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc));
          ICurve crv = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt1, pt2, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv = IG.offset(crv, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv, -height).clr(map5.clr((i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc));

          ICurve crv2 = new ICurve(new IVec[]{ pt2, pt3, pt4 }, degree, true);
          ICurve offCrv2 = IG.offset(crv2, offsetDist);
          IG.extrude(offCrv2, -height).clr(map5.clr((i+0.5)*uinc, (j+0.5)*vinc));

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